What is fablab?

Fablab is the fabrication of various items in a lab. This includes your smartphone holder and even bigger things like a car!

To create them, we employ many techniques, from 3-Dimensional printing to manual manufacturing.

Here are some products of fablab: 3d printed car[1] and 3d printed food[2]

3d printed food 3d printed food

How do I know what progress I have made?

Throughout this module, we will make our own website to track our progress. We can use "html" or "markdown" to create these pages. This website is built on html.

Here are some guides you can use to help create your own website!


quick html guide




quick markdown guide


Here are some apps you can use to help create your own webpage



visual studio code

How do I start 3 Dimensional modelling?

There are many apps that you can use, but we will focus on fusion360 for this module. (link to page) If you are a student, it is free for 3 years. Otherwise, you will have to pay monthly.

Apps for 2D drawing:

  • Inkscape
  • GIMP

Apps for 3D Printing

  • paid
    • simplify3d
  • free
    • ultimaker cura
    • Slic3r
    • IceSL

[1] Image Source: https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/2137737/worlds-first-mass-produced-3d-printed-electric-car-be-sold-china

[2] Image Source:https://www.businessinsider.com/3d-printed-foods-2014-9?IR=T